Thursday, 8 November 2007

Bailey's Truffles

Old Prick cleared out his desk early this morning and left. The only things that give any indication that he worked here are the small box of Bailey's Truffles that he always kept in his desk draw and the camel coloured coat that he's forgotten.

Unfortunately I didn't witness his departure as I was in the boardroom preparing for the corporate event. CEO called an emergency staff meeting a few hours before the event attendees were due to arrive to break the news. Most people were surprised and a murmur of gossip spread through the crowd. For once I didn't loiter and involve myself in the discussions. I slipped out of the room and made my to my office.

The office felt strangely empty. I felt incredibly relieved and celebrated by eating a few Bailey's Truffles. Gay Boss joined me a few minutes later. We sat comfortably in silence. The only sound coming from the rustle of truffle wrappers.

The corporate event went better than planned. The topics for discussion were very interesting and for the first time since I've worked I actually stayed completely focus throughout.

When I arrived back to my office I received a call from Solicitor. He's decided to change the plans of going out for dinner and cook for me instead. Wow this guy really is a charmer! I said I'd meet him at his place at around 8pm tomorrow.

I still don't know what to do about him. I'm not sure if anything he's doing for me is genuine or if he only wants sex. I'm not sure what I want either. Tomorrow will be a good time to talk about it.

I'm not sure whether to wear my black suspender belt with red lacy underwear or go without...


Cocaine Princess said...

I love reading your stories. You write with such emotion. You truly are talented. Keep up the awesome stories. Take Care.
Cocaine Princess

Mr R Rabbit said...

Well, underwear might slow him down a little so you have a little longer to make up your mind.

With him cooking it sounds good, but make sure he's not just bought a microwave dinner from tescos before going head over heels.

Mike said...

Every single time I am faced with the choice of red lacy underwear or going without...I choose to go without.

Thanks for stopping by my place.

Chooch said...

Awesome blog Elise! I just stumbled upon it and it is like a delicate Film Noir! Keep it up!

Mr and Mrs Knutzen said...

If he is making dinner, that is a little bit more comforting, meaning he is making an effort to charm you so it shouldn't just be about great sex.

Jeff said...

Yeah I would go with the black and red lace for sure.
Best way to get us men talking about things we dont want to talk about is to disract us!
And I will have to disagree with girl in the 206, I often cook for a woman, as it often makes the sex just that little bit better! hehe

linda said...

Nah, you have to wear some Bridget Jones granny knickers. Don't let on how much you really, really want him!

Chooch said...

Wear Red Lacy Little Nothings. Nothing empowers a women more when she knows she is wearing red undies!

roentare said...

Sometimes it is hard to find out what others think. Some might wear false mask and sometimes it is just hard to tell.

Your story always enchants me!

Chooch said...

So Elise. What did you wear?????

Daszzle said...

Hi chica, I tagged you for a meme. Not sure if you're into those, but I was simply too curious about your possible future answers to resist. Enjoy! (Visit my page for all the details ;)