Her name is Aimee. Solicitor's wife's name is Aimee. He went to France to see his wife not his sister.
Last night I went to Solicitor's place. It felt like years since I'd seen him last and I felt a painful stab in my stomach when he open the door. He hugged me and held me close for a while before we went in to his living room. I told him that I know something is not right and I just want him to be honest with me. He kissed my hand and held it while he told me everything.
Solicitor is married. His divorce will be finalised in two months. He's been married for 7 years and has known Aimee for 8. When he told me this I felt a chill run through me. Solicitor and I had met 7 years ago....
He didn't avoid the issue. They broke up the summer before his final year at university. They had been together for a year and it wasn't working. He said they were like chalk and cheese, the connection really wasn't there. I met him that Autumn. The morning after we slept together she called him and said she needed to see him. He left me a note for me and left.
Solicitor told me that he had every intention of calling me after he'd seen her but things didn't work out the way he thought they would. She told him she was pregnant. He did what he thought was the right thing and he stayed with her and married her.
They had a little boy. Solicitor showed me a picture of him. He looks just like him. The same dark piercing eyes, the same nose. Beautiful. I couldn't stop the tears falling when I held the picture. I couldn't move I just stared at the little face smiling back at me. I wished he was mine.
Solicitor stayed silent while I studied the picture. When I finally turned to look at him he was staring into the distance. I felt a horrible stab of fear when I saw tears in his eyes. I waited for him to say something. When he did, he told me his son died two years ago.
His son drowned in a paddling pool. Solicitor and his wife were inside the house arguing when they heard a scream from the garden. His wife's mother found him in the pool. The tried to resuscitate him but it was too late.
Solicitor loved his son but he didn't love his wife. He told me that they'd thought about divorce before his son had died. It never worked between them. The had separate social lives, separate bank accounts, the even slept in separate beds. After the accident Solicitor and his wife separated. She moved to France and he bought a new place. They both needed new starts. They are still in touch and care for each other but their relationship is over.
I stayed with Solicitor last night. We held each other lost in our own thoughts.
He drove me to work this morning and told me he'd pick me up later. Before I got out of the car he kissed me and told me that he loved me.
Stoner knocked on my office door around 9am. I hugged him when I saw him. We talked for a while. I told him that I know about Solicitor's past. I forgot to ask Solicitor about Stoner last night so I asked Stoner. He told me that his cousin went to the same school as Solicitor's son. He doesn't know Solicitor personally but he knows that he had a son that died. Stoner was worried that he was using me and cheating on his wife. He didn't mean to leave me in the lurch yesterday he was really busy with a few external designers.
Although my situation with Solicitor has become very complicated in a very short space of time. I feel content because he opened up to me and shared something so close to him with me....
And he loves me!