Monday, 7 January 2008

Locked In

Its okay. I'm fine.

Gay Boss is back. He had a wonderful time in South America (despite being mugged by a cab driver in Brazil). We were supposed to have lunch together so we could catch up on everything. I tired to stay calm and collected but:

a) I'm praying that Alec hasn't said anything about me accidentally going into Gay Boss's msn account and accidentally arranging a date with a guy that I accidentally found from the Gaydar website.

b) I'm still in a dilemma. What shall I do about the situation with the contracts? I'm worried that Gay Boss might be involved with changing them. At first I was convinced that Old Prick changed them before he got sacked, but the more I think about it the more I think Gay Boss has something to do with it. Why else would CEO swear me to secrecy?

Because of the two points above I did something very random. I walked into my office and lock myself inside. Its nothing too dramatic. I didn't call anyone and threaten to kill myself or anything and I'm not the first employee to do this. Scruffy Artist has done it a few times. But he's a moody, arty type of person. Its not like me to do anything like this.

Gay Boss knocked on the door a while ago. He sounded so sweet. He told me that whatever is bothering me he's here for me. What a way to make me feel guilty! Bimbo called and left a few hysterical messages. She thinks I've snapped and gone into an acute phase of depression. I called Stoner to tell him that I'm okay, I just need some time alone. He's told everyone to leave me alone for a while.

I'm okay though. I've spent a few hours at my computer catching up on reports to occupy my mind. I'll have to wait until everybody has gone home later before coming out. I feel so stupid. If I come out now they'll be lots of people asking questions. I need to pee. I wonder how long I can do this.....


Polgara said...

What did solicitor think?

Kitty said...

Wee in a vase? x

Elise said...

Solicitor doesn't know I've locked myself in here. I don't want him to think I'm psycho!

I don't have a vase. I think I'm going to have to sneak off to the toilets....

Astro Galaxy said...

Hope that you are fine now ...

Haylzc5 said...

Well that's the way to go to look suspicious!! haha

I hope you are ok though, it will be all ok you know, i just have a feeling!

Hayley x

Verdant Earl said...

Ooh, Gay Boss may be involved. Hadn't thought of that when I suggested that you mention the events to him. That's a horse of an entirely different color.

Are the contracts on pre-printed forms? Can you find out from your printshop who signed off on the last changes?

Anonymous said...

I just wondered, did you manage to get out? Had everyone gone home? I stumbled across your blog today, and now I need to know!

Michelle Hix said...

Oh my...not sure I would have even thought about peeing in a, that's a survival skill I need to write down!

Malach the Merciless said...

Ahh, that is why I have a bathroom adjacent to my office and conference room, I never have to leave those two rooms.

DragonRaid said...

sometimes all we need is some peace and quiet and time to think. but the bathroom issue, that's where we run into problems when we lock ourselves in lol.

SavvyD said...

Too FUNNY!!! You arranged a date 4 your boss from the Gaydar sight? With HIS msn account?? R U SSSeriouSSS?

Def use a garbage can or a cup. I did that once in high school when I was on the phone with a guy i really liked.

roentare said...

Your world is always so interesting to read. I laughed when you talked about your gay boss being robbed because I read it as being flirted...

Ruby said...

hope you got out OK? The fact that there is a possibility that gay boss might be involved in this whole thing, puts a brand new pair of sunglasses on the issue. Shame babe! good luck!

Slyde said...

man, i wish i had a door on MY office! I'd like myself inside often... really.

Juliana said...

I am sorry that you've been locked up :(( BUT i am glad you can out now ;D