Tuesday, 12 August 2008

No, I haven't been hit by a bus. I'm back

No, I haven't been hit by a bus. I'm back.

The last couple of months have been... well 'a living hell' might be the best way to explain it.

About a month ago my sister and brother-in-law took a romantic weekend away to Barcelona. Nephew stayed with me and Solicitor. I love having Nephew around. He's so sweet and he always manages to say the funniest things without meaning to.

On the Saturday afternoon Solicitor went out to the pub with a few of his friends. Nephew and I amused ourselves with poster paint and coloured card. I'm not really the creative type but I was having a whale of a time with the crafts session. Nephew showed me how to finger-paint the image of a house onto blue card. We ended up finger-painting each others faces.

After we cleaned up Nephew settled down with Toy Story 2 while I busied myself in the kitchen. I opened a packet of chicken dippers and poured some onto a baking tray. I looked on the back of the packet for an oven temperature. Normally the packet would convert the temperature for you, but all I found was Pre-heat oven Gas Mark 6.

Now I know that its not really a big deal, but for some reason I started to stress out. I suddenly got quite angry and I called the telephone number at the bottom of the packet. All I got was an automated service line. I slammed the phone down in frustration. The stupid bloody packet didn't have a temperature on it. I felt completely helpless.

"Aunt Elise?"

Nephew gazed at me from the doorway. His big brown eyes full of concern. I tried to smile at him, to reassure him that I was fine.

"It's okay Baby"

"Then why are you crying?"

Yep. I had started crying. In fact, I had started crying and I had stopped breathing. My chest began to tighten up. I felt a wave of sudden dizziness. I started to panic. If I didn't start breathing soon I may collapse and die here on the kitchen floor. Nephew wouldn't get his chicken dippers!

Nephew's face began to morph in front on me. He was so frightened. I hated that I scared him. I tried so hard to smile and tell him that everything was okay. But at the time I honestly believed that I was going to die. The walls began closing in. my chest got tighter and tighter. I sank to the floor.

I don't remember exactly what happened, but I soon found myself in the car with Solicitor. He had wound the windows down. The cool air filled my lungs. I could breath! I still couldn't speak, but at least I could breath!

I sat tearfully in A&E for a good few hours. Nephew had fallen asleep. His head resting on Solicitor's lap. What was wrong with me? I'd ruined Nephew's weekend. Solicitor looked angry. He stared at the floor deep in thought.

"I'm sorry."

He sucked in his breath.

"Don't apologise. Just sort it out. Call Melinda on Monday."

I nodded.

"And you're not going to Manchester. You'll have to reschedule"


Solicitor's low voice of authority cut off my protest.

"Elise, don't make me say it twice."


Polgara said...

OMG you're back!
I was only thinking where you were this morning!
As usual a cliffhanger, hope you're ok, please dont make us wait too long for the next post!
Pol x

The Divine Miss M said...

Welcome back.

And finish the story.

Cliffhangers ONLY work when you post regularily Madam!

KaB said...
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KaB said...

OMG...look who's back...eish but it's been a while!

Erm...what the hell is going on...at work, with Solicitor...why is he so stern with you? It's a bit unnecessary if you're going through some dodgy mishaps in life...he could at least play nicely?!?

Verdant Earl said...

Sounds like you may have been hit by the proverbial bus.

Hope everything turns out ok.

Ruby said...

welcome back!!!! now continue the story

The Reluctant Dreamer said...

Whooa! What happened next? U just left me wondering was everything Ok????

Now Im curious...

The Reluctant Dreamer said...

Whooa! What happened next? U just left me wondering was everything Ok????

Now Im curious...

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! I was getting worried.

No fair though on returning with a post like that. All you did was left me confused. Come on. Let's get the full story!

Cocaine Princess said...

About time you posted!

You finally came back and you leave us with a cliff hanger!

Glad you're back, I have missed you so much.

Cocaine Princess

Trée said...

Elise, so nice to have you back. You've been missed and so has your writing. Doesn't seem like you've missed a beat. :-)

Slyde said...

sounds like you might have been hit with a bit of a panic attack..

hope you are doing ok..

Bruce Johnson said...

I knew if I waited long enough, you would return, I have a lot of patience in that regard. Good things are worth waiting for.

You 'condition' sounds and awful lot like what Tony Soprano had on the HBO television series. Anxiety / Panic attacks. Seriously, I am not diagnosing you via fictional television, but it is something that may well be mental and not physical.

Haylzc5 said...

Welcome back Elise, ive missed ya! Are you preggers??

Malach the Merciless said...

It definitely sounds like a anxiety attack, hope you feel better.

Hows the job going?

Elise said...

OMG Hayley! I laughed so much when I read that. That would be a turn of events.

Yes, it was an anxiety attack. I will explain more in my next post.

Sweets said...

welcome back!!!!
yes finish the story!! are you ok? sheesh... hectic

Lopz said...

My housemate gets those regularly - diazipan (aka valium) seems to work for him with the worst of them. Shame babe, that's not cool - hope you get sorted out soon.

linda said...

Oh, it sounds like a panic attack. They are awful. You poor thing.

AngelConradie said...

whew... talk about being overwhelmed! i hope this gets sorted quick-like.

Anonymous said...

Elise I am glad you are back! Been living a crazy life for over 6 months now too, new job, new girl, new part of the world to live in...Anyway, now it has all settled down I am able to swing by and take a rummage through my favorite diary!

Haven't seen you around Unfolding Pages for a while, guess people thought that project died...the saga continues there, but alas compared to the events of your world it pales in comparison...I say we lynch all those bastards, but then if we did that what would you write about?